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Trump Rejects Shutdown Deal

Trump opposes a deal to prevent a government shutdown, the White House warns.

Trump Rejects Shutdown Deal
Trump Rejects Shutdown Deal
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump abruptly rejected an earlier bipartisan plan to block the shutdown , calling for a rethink, as the White House warned that a shutdown would lead to chaos in the country throughout.

The Legislature passed a budget that would fund the federal government through mid-March, avoiding a government shutdown before the year-end holiday.

If the approval of the budget is scuttled and the Senate and House of Representatives fail to pass all of its measures, a government shutdown, resulting from a government budget gap in the US. any government shutdown means the collapse of superfluous state departments They are set aside

Vice President: J.D. “When Democrats threaten to shut down the government until we give them everything they want, they’re being honest.”

Trump suggested that the concessions to Democrats in the bill were akin to "betraying our country," instead offering a nearly unrealistic proposal that would affect some federal funds and a highly controversial provision for federal debt restrictions have increased, something his party usually denied him provided.

He asked House Speaker Mike Johnson and Republicans to reconsider it essentially days before the deadline for federal funding, something Democrats have criticized

Trump’s sudden entry into the debate and new demands have increased tensions in the Senate as lawmakers try to finish their work and go home for the holidays, leaving Johnson scrambling to come up with a new policy first the Friday deadline had arrived to avoid a shutdown.
The "shutdown" puts hundreds of thousands of government workers into technical unemployment, forgoes many social benefits, and shuts down a kindergarten, a very undesirable situation in America, especially as the holiday season approaches.

Funding the federal government is a common debate in the United States, where even within the Republican camp, disagreements between conservatives and Trump supporters call for drastic cuts in government spending on the snow

Republicans will regain their majority in the Senate in early February, when Trump returns to the White House on the 20th of the same month. Republicans will then craft new budgets to fund Trump’s agenda, particularly on deporting immigrants, increasing oil extraction and cutting taxes